Monday, December 03, 2007

Will visits Santa

We took Will to visit Santa and he had a wonderful time. He loved playing with Santa's beard. No tears this year just one very excited little boy.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Fall Fun
Now that the weather is cooling off Will is spending much more time outside during the day and he loves having some freedom to expore the great outdoors a.k.a our front yard. He got to experience jumping in a pile of fall leaves for the first time. He had a great time as you can tell from the pictures.

Playing in the leaves

Show me how to do this Uncle James

So much to see and do

How do I get out of here?

Friday, November 02, 2007

Super Halloween

It's a bird....It's a plane......


Every super hero needs a sidekick. I've got my dog Abbey to help me dig through my candy.

Do you have to take the wrapper off to eat this candy?

I think I like this holiday.

Yes! Superman does have parents

I'm not sure who is more excited about this hayride me or my Mom and Mimi kym

I'm off to save the day

Will is telling his buddy Ty just how tired he really is after a long night of trick or treating

It's the Great Pumpkin

I saw a pumpkin this BIG!

Sitting still for only a moment

Will gives the pumpkin stem a taste

Will and his cousin Lauren are more interested in the hay then the pumpkins

Wondering what hay taste like? Ask these two

No! one pumpkin patch would just not do. Will and Lauren turned there pumpkin patch adventure into two days at two different pumpkin patches.

Will, Luke and Lauren

This is what you get when you take three babies to a photo shoot

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Will celebrated his first birthday on June 4th. He had a backyard pool party with family and friends. He had a wonderful time except for a little (o.k ALOT) of sunscreen in the eyes. Nothing that a little nap during the party wouldn't cure. Thanks to all the family and friends that made his birthday very special. We can't wait to see what next year has in store for our little guy.

This is how the party began

It is not good to be Will right now

After a brief intermission for a nap.
Things are looking much brighter

Somebody told me that cake was coming....

First bite

The verdict is.............................................................


Hey everyone I am ONE today!

Take me to the pool and get me cleaned up Please

All Cleaned Up

Cousin Lauren and I are trying to figure out how this toy works

I love to slide

My first motorcycle. Now I'm a cool rider like daddy

Through the tunnel I go!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Stroller Today
Harley Tomorrow

Which one is the doll???


Time to lower the crib AGAIN

First busted lip

Sharing Icecream with Dad